A true master of her craft, specialising in natal charts, forecasting, astrocartography, horary and even some tarot and palmistry. With her incredible knowledge and expertise, Jane can provide you with invaluable insights into your past, present, and future.
Jane is also the author of children's book The Elementals In Space. A magical story, travelling space, learning planets, mythology and astrology.
The Art of the Language of Astrology
Reading your natal chart - you’ll hear about some of your characteristics which may enlighten your innermost senses.
Learning about your potentials, personality, strengths & qualities, through the language of astrology, you're likely to hear answers to many questions & find you understand yourself better.
This wonderful astrological knowledge may show you in which area you’re already attracted to or may have been considering in your life. I can suggest a few ideas, through your charts energies, how to manoeuvre your way through a new awareness of deeper perception.
You may also hear new concepts to many different types of topics you might have pondered on, from what drives you to stay at home, become an artist, being ambitious or go on a mystical adventure.
Astrology may give several potential insights, perhaps how to use any dormant gifts, expanding personal talents on your journey, if you so wish.
It is with this profound discovery, one may arrive at an inner self peace of understanding and acceptance.
As we talk through your charts please suggest/ask how I can help in any way.
This will be your time to get to know the special individual - 'you.'
Natal interpretation
An in depth reading of your birth chart influences, energies, 'where our characteristics & influences' may come from.
(Needs to be read before any other options)
Natal Interpretation chart, for which I need:
Name, date of birth, time of birth, town, country of birth. (Time - as close as possible)
1 hour consultation approx.​
Natal Charts, Forecasting Charts & Solar Return
Where you were on your last birthday - town, country -
All the forecasting charts, looking into any specific questions.
(Which takes a few hours study) then an hour consultation via Skype, WhatsApp, FaceTime.
is where in the world, a person is likely to have a successful career, or feel at more home, or where one may meet chalenges, or possible unsettling experiences.
Can be incorporated in natal interpretation, if time allows.
This is only for very important questions when a person might like to know something such as:
Where is a lost valuable/sentimental item?
Would this career be a good move?
relocation to another country?
Will one pass an exam?
Lost passport - jewellery?
Is ? Deceiving me? Etc...
To be asked anytime of the day or night and emailed or txt, to me when it is prominently and very strong in one’s mind?
A burning question moment!
Not all Horary questions are validly answered, as long as the question is serious & respectful of this magical divination, a result is answerable. (Positive or negative)
(Separate from questions with a natal interpretation)
Follow up annual readings available & depends on questions & personal charts changes, with 1 hour consultation.
Compatibility between partnerships, personal or business. After one persons (preferably both) natal interpretation.
An Astrology introduction 'Taster'
Interpretation of your natal Sun, Moon, Ascendant, the 3 major influences in our lives.
Local Space
"Thé Feng Shui of Astrology"
Ever wondered why you can relax/study or sleep better in one area of your home rather than another! Which area to put your study/workshop/art room?
Kitchen! For relaxing eating - not knife throwing!
No matter how large or small your home is.
"Local Space" is a personalised study of your natal chart planets placements, which correspond to your home/office floor plan - showing where is best for your office space, yoga room, bedroom.. which area to place your bed for maximum sleep benefits. Any specific room, to benefit your happy life.

Jane recently received her certificate of Distinction for Chart Analysis from the London School of Astrology at The Royal Albert Hall.

- Mahatma Gandhi.
We are one with the universe.
Our Sun, Moon & planets guide & change us.
Let astrology guide you when you feel lost.
Stars change, so do we, like invisible threads they can guide us on our journey.
"The Force that moves the Sun and the Stars is the same force that moves the human soul." - Astrologer Jane
Alex Y, Jersey
“I asked for Natal interpretation and forecasting for the future from Jane, i was sceptical at first not know much about astrology and not wanting to hear anything negative but it was incredibly positive. I have come to accept my past and who I am, accepting myself and forgiving harbouring resentments i have carried a long time. I found it quite emotional in a very healing way. Thank you so much Jane!"
Matthew J, UK
"So insightful and helpful towards my buisness i am launching. I found it really encouraging to know the new path i am on was confirmed without me even talking about it, Jane had already picked up on it. Amazing to hear how the planets energies influence us, much like the moon but on a huge scale!"
Lisa S, IOM
“Jane's reading helped me understand myself, my mother and our family dynamics. I'm very grateful for this understanding.”
Yuki, Marbella, Spain.
"I have been receiving Jane´s astrological advices for several years now. What Jane always has impressed me through her way of working is how she tunes with you and she has such sensibilities to feel and capture what we need each moment.
Apart from her great ability and intuition for reading astrological information, I feel that she is always very conscious of the best way to help each person at each moment. She guides us in a way that we can use the astrological information for our inner growth, spiritual path and for helping us in difficult moments and also how we can be aware that we all are so influenced much bigger scale than we believe. So she helps us to get out of our personal small stories. Our vision can expand more so that we understand more deeply what happened to us , what is happening to us and also what might happen in the future in a sense that we can learn from the past, being more tuned with the present influences and also knowing some astrological indications, we can create more harmonious future. If we are conscious about the astrological influences, probably we will be wiser in terms of making right actions in the right moment and knowing to wait to make important decisions instead of acting impulsively through emotions. I definitely recommend you all to ask her astrological guidance."
Arj, Hampshire, UK
"I recently had the privilege of experiencing an enlightening astrology reading with Jane. From the onset it was clear I was in the presence of a master; someone who possessed immense and profound knowledge and wisdom of the science and art of astrology. Her interpretations were impactful, and delivered with a rare blend of empathy and directness.
Throughout our conversations, it was evident that Jane had had approached every aspect of my chart with meticulous attention, and her thoughtful questions helped create meaning that felt deeply personal.
Jane is a special person with a powerful gift honed through a lifetime of deep learning. I couldn’t recommend her service more."